Thursday, September 24, 2009

So, let me tell you, like right after I e-mailed you guys last week we went outside and it started raining SOO hard!!! I have NEVER seen rain like it in my entire life! Never ever...I took the coolest video that I want to send you in the mail before I leave the CTM here. We had proselyting this week! It was sooo awesome! Elder Bond and I were sooo nervous when we went out and our instructor was like open your mouth and don't disappoint the Lord. Now that scared legs felt like jello! We started walking around and talked to everyone. I don't even remember half the things I was saying but I just told them all I knew about the gospel and that it can bless their families and all sorts of stuff...or at least I think that's what I said- ha, ha. We each got a Book of Mormon to hand out and the second person we ran into spoke English?!? We talked to him he was only like 16 or 17 and he was awesome...Cardio was his name. Then Elder Bond challenged him to read and he accepted and the Spirit was so strong. Then we just walked around talking to everyone. Of course we got rejected but that happens whatever, but we also got a lot of people to really listen to our message. We had this guy walk around with us for like 20 minute talking about religion. He spoke German too- ha, ha I tried to say a couple things to him, but it was hard for me to remember stuff. Then we had gone for a while without anyone accepting and I still had my Book of Mormon and I was trying so hard to get mine out. We were kind of discouraged so we saw this kid and wanted to just talk with him about whatever cause it was hard to talk about religion with him. But then I just felt eyes right on my back and I just stopped and there was a lady right behind me and she was just staring at my Book of Mormon. Then she was like, "Please, please, I want your book, please." I guess her friend she was with had gotten a Book of Mormon from some missionaries and read and prayed but didn't know where to find other missioonarires to teach her. Elder Bond took down her address and I was talking to the other lady to make sure she really knew what the book was and what it was about. She was nodding the whole time and saying, "Yes, yes, I will read and call the missionaries." It was so awesome! I felt so great after. We talked with tons of people. Our goal for the day was to hand out 2 Books fo Mormon and then 4 referrals and we actually gave out 3 cause we met a guy right in front of the CTM who really wanted a book and so I yelled inside and a Brazilian missionary brought one to the gate and we gave it to him. The 4 referrals we barely got at the end when we were walking back we met these two ladeis who had been taught by some sister missionaries before and we convinced then to listen to the missinaries again and so it was just overall a great day! TRUST IN THE LORD IN ALL THINGS! He will show unto you all things! Read scriptures, study them, pray, and always strive to think about Christ and his example for us!
I love you all! Tchau!
Love, Elder Halford

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